
All things Formie.

Updated File Storage Limits

After trialling the file and image upload feature launched last year, the file storage limits have been upped for both free and paying subscribers.

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Posted on 05th January, 2023.

Updated Subscription Features

All paid subscription plans have been updated to offer all features that Formie has to offer. This will be the plan going forward, too. So no matter what we develop for our paid subscribers, all subscribers will benefit.

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Posted on 23rd November, 2022.

File/Image Upload Now Supported

As of right now you can extend your forms with new fields for files or images. This is available to free users as well as subscribers, with the exception of how much storage is available based on your subscription.

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Posted on 24th August, 2022.

First Post

Being a developer first means it’s easy to get stuck in developing the fun stuff and less about creating a website with content.

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Posted on 20th August, 2022.